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                What kind of environment is Morchella suitable for growth?

                Morchella is a kind of wild precious fungus. Wild Morchella is distributed in Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Tibet, Xinjiang and other places in China. Because of its uneven surface, it is called Morchella. So, what kind of environment is Morchella suitable for growth?


                Growth Conditions of Morchella esculenta

                1. Temperature and humidity: Morchella is a kind of fungus with low temperature and high humidity. It often occurs after rain in March-May of spring and occasionally occurs in August-September of autumn, but its quantity is very small. Morchella has a long growth period, which requires not only a lower temperature, but also a larger temperature difference, which can affect mycelial decomposition.

                The temperature of mycelium growth is 21-24 C, the temperature of head nucleus formation is 16-21 C, the temperature of fruiting body formation and development is 4.4-16 C, and the humidity is about 65%-85%. Therefore, the training time should be from November to December.

                2. Sunshine: Weak scattering light is beneficial to the growth and development of fruiting bodies of Morchella esculenta, while strong direct light has adverse effects.

                3. Soil: Soil PH requirement is about 6.5-7.5, neutral or slightly alkaline is conducive to the growth of Morchella. Morchella often grows in limestone or chalky soil. In humus soil, black, yellow loam and sandy mixed soil can grow.

                4. Air: Morchella seldom breaks out in dark places and too thick deciduous layer, or the quality of the attack is poor. Satisfied oxygen is essential for the normal growth and development of Morchella.

                What kind of environment is Morchella suitable for growth?

                Morchella is a kind of wild precious fungus. Wild Morchella is distributed in Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Tibet, Xinjiang and other places in China. Because of its uneven surface, it is called Morchella. So, what kind of environment is Morchella suitable for growth?


                Growth Conditions of Morchella esculenta

                1. Temperature and humidity: Morchella is a kind of fungus with low temperature and high humidity. It often occurs after rain in March-May of spring and occasionally occurs in August-September of autumn, but its quantity is very small. Morchella has a long growth period, which requires not only a lower temperature, but also a larger temperature difference, which can affect mycelial decomposition.

                The temperature of mycelium growth is 21-24 C, the temperature of head nucleus formation is 16-21 C, the temperature of fruiting body formation and development is 4.4-16 C, and the humidity is about 65%-85%. Therefore, the training time should be from November to December.

                2. Sunshine: Weak scattering light is beneficial to the growth and development of fruiting bodies of Morchella esculenta, while strong direct light has adverse effects.

                3. Soil: Soil PH requirement is about 6.5-7.5, neutral or slightly alkaline is conducive to the growth of Morchella. Morchella often grows in limestone or chalky soil. In humus soil, black, yellow loam and sandy mixed soil can grow.

                4. Air: Morchella seldom breaks out in dark places and too thick deciduous layer, or the quality of the attack is poor. Satisfied oxygen is essential for the normal growth and development of Morchella.

                PREVIOUSAttention must be paid to these problems in the cultivation of Morchella esculenta
                NEXTMu yield of Morchella esculenta is far from the upper limit. There is a huge space for its development.


