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                Sales of morel frozen products

                10 tons domestically and 20 tons exported to Europe: some of the fresh goods are purchased through wechat merchants and small programs (such as Beidian, darling’s house, mushroom farmers, etc.), then distributed throughout the country with SF, and some are wholesale to major provincial capitals through the airport. One part is dried to store Morchella, and the other part is frozen to store Morchella.






                Sales of morel frozen products

                10 tons domestically and 20 tons exported to Europe: some of the fresh goods are purchased through wechat merchants and small programs (such as Beidian, darling’s house, mushroom farmers, etc.), then distributed throughout the country with SF, and some are wholesale to major provincial capitals through the airport. One part is dried to store Morchella, and the other part is frozen to store Morchella.






                PREVIOUSMorchella fresh goods sorting center
                NEXTBlack tiger palm optional bag packaging export


