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                2019 Deyang 38 red flag bearer (collective) candidate list

                According to the notice of Deyang women’s Federation on the selection of Deyang’s March 8th red flag bearer (collective) in 2019, through the forms of county (city, district), Deyang Economic Development Zone women’s Federation, municipal social organizations, entrepreneurs, public legal service industry women’s Federation, municipal department women’s committees, state-owned enterprises, and social recommendation, the Party group meeting of Deyang women’s Federation has studied it, It is proposed to name 26 comrades such as Jia Yuhong as the red flag bearer of Deyang City, and 13 units such as Liaohe community neighborhood committee of Jingyang street, Jingyang District, Deyang City as the red flag collective of Deyang City. The list of candidates is now publicized as follows (see the annex for the specific list). The publicity time is 5 working days. If cadres and the masses have opinions and suggestions, they can reflect them to the Municipal Women’s Federation through letters and calls.


                Contact: Mr. LV Tel.: 15181070307

                Email: dysflbgs@126.com



                1. 2019 Deyang March 8th red flag bearer candidate list

                2. 2019 Deyang 38 red flag collective candidate list


                Deyang women’s Federation

                February 19, 2020

                Annex 1


                2019 Deyang March 8th red flag bearer candidate list


                Zhang Yifan, chairman of Sichuan Shuji Agricultural Development Co., Ltd

                Jia Yuhong, Secretary of the general Party branch of Wenhua Road community, Xiaogan street, Jingyang District, Deyang City

                Mi Yan, Secretary of the general Party branch of Wenmiao community, Jingyang street, Jingyang District, Deyang City

                Chen Linlin, grade 9 staff member of Luojiang District comprehensive management center of social security in Deyang City and the first Secretary of sansanhe village, baimaguan town

                Tan Linlin, deputy secretary of the Party branch of Anjia village, Jinshan Town, Luojiang District, Deyang City

                Xiao Fuying, chairman of women’s Federation of Jinyan sub district office of Guanghan City

                Liu Cui, deputy general manager of Sichuan Cuihong Food Co., Ltd

                Li Suhong, vice president and Deputy Secretary of the general Party branch of Shifang vocational secondary school in Sichuan Province

                Wang Rui, Chinese disabled table tennis team player

                Qiao Jun, general manager of Sichuan Mianzhu Jiannanchun Forest Park Co., Ltd

                He Xianying: team members of Jini village, Qianjin Township, Ganluo County, Liangshan Prefecture

                Li yaolan, chairman of Fuxing town women’s Federation, Zhongjiang County

                Li Xiaoyan director of Poverty Alleviation Office of Huilong Town People’s Government of Zhongjiang County

                Yang Xinxin director of Poverty Alleviation Office of Xinglong Town People’s Government of Zhongjiang County

                Tang Yan, deputy secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the trade union of Sihui Construction Group Co., Ltd

                Li Lei, director of the second Department of Deyang integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital

                Ding Yang, host of Deyang radio and television station

                Guo hengxia, principal of Deyang Minshan Road Primary School

                Xiaoli Deyang Municipal People’s Procuratorate post prosecutor

                Qiu Yu, grade 4 Sheriff of special patrol detachment of Deyang Public Security Bureau, Sichuan Province

                Pang Ling assistant engineer of radio monitoring station of Deyang economic and Information Bureau

                Wang Dan, senior engineer of Deyang urban water supply management center

                Chen Juan, party secretary and chairman of Zhongjiang County Rural Credit Cooperative Association

                Liu Yanling, Secretary of Deyang Municipal Party committee office, deputy chief of the third section

                Xia Lihua Erzhong (Deyang) heavy equipment Co., Ltd. General Mechanical Design Engineer

                Li Jixia, deputy director of Dongfang motor product development Department II


                2019 Deyang 38 red flag bearer (collective) candidate list

                According to the notice of Deyang women’s Federation on the selection of Deyang’s March 8th red flag bearer (collective) in 2019, through the forms of county (city, district), Deyang Economic Development Zone women’s Federation, municipal social organizations, entrepreneurs, public legal service industry women’s Federation, municipal department women’s committees, state-owned enterprises, and social recommendation, the Party group meeting of Deyang women’s Federation has studied it, It is proposed to name 26 comrades such as Jia Yuhong as the red flag bearer of Deyang City, and 13 units such as Liaohe community neighborhood committee of Jingyang street, Jingyang District, Deyang City as the red flag collective of Deyang City. The list of candidates is now publicized as follows (see the annex for the specific list). The publicity time is 5 working days. If cadres and the masses have opinions and suggestions, they can reflect them to the Municipal Women’s Federation through letters and calls.


                Contact: Mr. LV Tel.: 15181070307

                Email: dysflbgs@126.com



                1. 2019 Deyang March 8th red flag bearer candidate list

                2. 2019 Deyang 38 red flag collective candidate list


                Deyang women’s Federation

                February 19, 2020

                Annex 1


                2019 Deyang March 8th red flag bearer candidate list


                Zhang Yifan, chairman of Sichuan Shuji Agricultural Development Co., Ltd

                Jia Yuhong, Secretary of the general Party branch of Wenhua Road community, Xiaogan street, Jingyang District, Deyang City

                Mi Yan, Secretary of the general Party branch of Wenmiao community, Jingyang street, Jingyang District, Deyang City

                Chen Linlin, grade 9 staff member of Luojiang District comprehensive management center of social security in Deyang City and the first Secretary of sansanhe village, baimaguan town

                Tan Linlin, deputy secretary of the Party branch of Anjia village, Jinshan Town, Luojiang District, Deyang City

                Xiao Fuying, chairman of women’s Federation of Jinyan sub district office of Guanghan City

                Liu Cui, deputy general manager of Sichuan Cuihong Food Co., Ltd

                Li Suhong, vice president and Deputy Secretary of the general Party branch of Shifang vocational secondary school in Sichuan Province

                Wang Rui, Chinese disabled table tennis team player

                Qiao Jun, general manager of Sichuan Mianzhu Jiannanchun Forest Park Co., Ltd

                He Xianying: team members of Jini village, Qianjin Township, Ganluo County, Liangshan Prefecture

                Li yaolan, chairman of Fuxing town women’s Federation, Zhongjiang County

                Li Xiaoyan director of Poverty Alleviation Office of Huilong Town People’s Government of Zhongjiang County

                Yang Xinxin director of Poverty Alleviation Office of Xinglong Town People’s Government of Zhongjiang County

                Tang Yan, deputy secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the trade union of Sihui Construction Group Co., Ltd

                Li Lei, director of the second Department of Deyang integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital

                Ding Yang, host of Deyang radio and television station

                Guo hengxia, principal of Deyang Minshan Road Primary School

                Xiaoli Deyang Municipal People’s Procuratorate post prosecutor

                Qiu Yu, grade 4 Sheriff of special patrol detachment of Deyang Public Security Bureau, Sichuan Province

                Pang Ling assistant engineer of radio monitoring station of Deyang economic and Information Bureau

                Wang Dan, senior engineer of Deyang urban water supply management center

                Chen Juan, party secretary and chairman of Zhongjiang County Rural Credit Cooperative Association

                Liu Yanling, Secretary of Deyang Municipal Party committee office, deputy chief of the third section

                Xia Lihua Erzhong (Deyang) heavy equipment Co., Ltd. General Mechanical Design Engineer

                Li Jixia, deputy director of Dongfang motor product development Department II


                PREVIOUSWarmly congratulate the entrepreneurial project of our city on winning the third prize of the whole province
                NEXTProduction site of Morchella strain


