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                Deyang Luojiang: "singing" Morel development and industrial revitalization add a new path


                Deyang, Sichuan news network, April 11 (Zhou Shikun text / picture) Luojiang District, Deyang City focuses on Rural Revitalization, agricultural supply side structural reform and global tourism, focuses on the implementation of the "1234" development strategy, focuses on building a new highland of modern leisure agriculture in Deyang and Mianyang, and attracts and encourages college students and students through policy guidance, excellent services and other efforts to attract talents and capital A large number of "new farmers" and "intelligent farmers" such as returning youth have devoted themselves to the characteristic development and innovative development of modern agriculture, and continued to promote the high-quality development of modern agriculture in Luojiang.



                The returned entrepreneurs represented by college student Zhang Yifan and Fujian investor Wen pinfa founded Sichuan Shuji Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. and Sichuan Fanglin Morchella Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. respectively. After years of exploration, experiment, promotion and application, Luojiang’s "artificial cultivation method of Morchella suitable for Sichuan plain and Qiuling area" is becoming more and more mature, Driven by the development of "company + farmers (professional farmers and family farms)", the rotation of "bacteria + rice" and "bacteria + passion fruit" is implemented, and the Morchella industry realizes the transitional development of "from scratch" and "from scattered to industrialized development". Taking the modern agricultural industry demonstration zone of lueping Town, Luojiang District as the core base, it radiates and drives all villages and towns of Luojiang, Jingyang, Mianzhu, Mianyang, Chengdu More than 500 farmers in Suining and other cities have developed Morel cultivation of 10000 mu, which has formed a whole industrial chain integrating "strain cultivation + cultivation + intensive processing + e-commerce marketing". It cooperates with many social e-commerce platforms for direct supply. The brands of "Yifan" and "Fanglin" are well-known both inside and outside the province. Deyang Luojiang has become the largest fresh Morel production and supply base county (District) in China, Morchella has become another "gold lettered signboard" of Deyang Luojiang characteristic agriculture.



                In order to "Polish" the "golden signboard" of Morchella, Luojiang District, Deyang City "plays" the triple "March" of industrial development, adding new momentum to the creation of an advanced rural revitalization area in the province.


                First, build a cutting-edge highland through industrial integration. We will guide the integrated development of planting production, intensive processing, tourism and leisure, complement industrial development with the joint-stock reform of the "agricultural Federation", promote the cultivation of family farms and new professional farmers, and combine it with rural tourism experience picking, consolidate the foundation for the development of strain cultivation and intensive processing in lueping Morchella core industrial park, and promote industrial upgrading and quality improvement, Strive to build a national Morchella industry base county (District). In 2019, the planting area will be expanded in lueping, Jinshan, Panlong, Xinsheng and other towns, with a new planting area of 2000 mu. The planting scale of the whole region will reach 6000 mu, with an increase of more than 5000 yuan per mu. A Morchella cold chain centralized distribution center will be built, with 20 tons of intensive processing of fresh bacteria and dried products, and a sales revenue of more than 60 million yuan.


                Second, scientific and technological innovation gives development momentum. Luojiang entrepreneurs have transformed the existing experience, technology and patents into scientific and technological products, subverted all the current planting modes of Morchella, and promoted the Morchella industry into the track of modern intelligent agriculture "Fuxing". 11 technologies such as "modular arch shed for Morchella planting" and "planting method of rotation of Morchella and passion fruit" have won the national utility model patent certification, Industrial Science and technology R & D innovation is at the forefront of the country. In 2019, we will continue to devote ourselves to scientific and technological innovation, R & D, promotion and application, strengthen cooperation with scientific research institutes such as the research and Design Institute for processing and utilization of forest products of the Provincial Academy of Forestry Sciences, establish a Morchella science and technology research and innovation center, pay attention to research and innovation in the fields of strain breeding, planting and production, product refinement and edible health, accelerate the undertaking of scientific and technological transformation and comprehensively improve the added value of scientific and technological benefits, Increase new momentum of development.


                Third, optimize services and enhance sustainability. Based on the whole industry chain that has begun to take shape, focus on high-quality strain supply base, planting technology education and training base, e-commerce marketing and training base, and accelerate the all-round service development of Luojiang Morchella industry. In 2019, supporting land circulation, financial services and other supporting policies to benefit and strengthen agriculture, accelerating the application and establishment of "three products and one standard", standardizing brand packaging and evaluation indicators, building a stable network direct supply marketing system pattern, giving full play to the role of the "leader" of the industry with "Deyang Luojiang field university" and professional farmers’ school as the carrier, and organizing and carrying out 6 sessions of planting technology training There were 6 e-commerce marketing training sessions, cultivating 15 family farms and 40 new professional farmers, and driving 50 poor households out of poverty and become rich.

                Deyang Luojiang: "singing" Morel development and industrial revitalization add a new path


                Deyang, Sichuan news network, April 11 (Zhou Shikun text / picture) Luojiang District, Deyang City focuses on Rural Revitalization, agricultural supply side structural reform and global tourism, focuses on the implementation of the "1234" development strategy, focuses on building a new highland of modern leisure agriculture in Deyang and Mianyang, and attracts and encourages college students and students through policy guidance, excellent services and other efforts to attract talents and capital A large number of "new farmers" and "intelligent farmers" such as returning youth have devoted themselves to the characteristic development and innovative development of modern agriculture, and continued to promote the high-quality development of modern agriculture in Luojiang.



                The returned entrepreneurs represented by college student Zhang Yifan and Fujian investor Wen pinfa founded Sichuan Shuji Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. and Sichuan Fanglin Morchella Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. respectively. After years of exploration, experiment, promotion and application, Luojiang’s "artificial cultivation method of Morchella suitable for Sichuan plain and Qiuling area" is becoming more and more mature, Driven by the development of "company + farmers (professional farmers and family farms)", the rotation of "bacteria + rice" and "bacteria + passion fruit" is implemented, and the Morchella industry realizes the transitional development of "from scratch" and "from scattered to industrialized development". Taking the modern agricultural industry demonstration zone of lueping Town, Luojiang District as the core base, it radiates and drives all villages and towns of Luojiang, Jingyang, Mianzhu, Mianyang, Chengdu More than 500 farmers in Suining and other cities have developed Morel cultivation of 10000 mu, which has formed a whole industrial chain integrating "strain cultivation + cultivation + intensive processing + e-commerce marketing". It cooperates with many social e-commerce platforms for direct supply. The brands of "Yifan" and "Fanglin" are well-known both inside and outside the province. Deyang Luojiang has become the largest fresh Morel production and supply base county (District) in China, Morchella has become another "gold lettered signboard" of Deyang Luojiang characteristic agriculture.



                In order to "Polish" the "golden signboard" of Morchella, Luojiang District, Deyang City "plays" the triple "March" of industrial development, adding new momentum to the creation of an advanced rural revitalization area in the province.


                First, build a cutting-edge highland through industrial integration. We will guide the integrated development of planting production, intensive processing, tourism and leisure, complement industrial development with the joint-stock reform of the "agricultural Federation", promote the cultivation of family farms and new professional farmers, and combine it with rural tourism experience picking, consolidate the foundation for the development of strain cultivation and intensive processing in lueping Morchella core industrial park, and promote industrial upgrading and quality improvement, Strive to build a national Morchella industry base county (District). In 2019, the planting area will be expanded in lueping, Jinshan, Panlong, Xinsheng and other towns, with a new planting area of 2000 mu. The planting scale of the whole region will reach 6000 mu, with an increase of more than 5000 yuan per mu. A Morchella cold chain centralized distribution center will be built, with 20 tons of intensive processing of fresh bacteria and dried products, and a sales revenue of more than 60 million yuan.


                Second, scientific and technological innovation gives development momentum. Luojiang entrepreneurs have transformed the existing experience, technology and patents into scientific and technological products, subverted all the current planting modes of Morchella, and promoted the Morchella industry into the track of modern intelligent agriculture "Fuxing". 11 technologies such as "modular arch shed for Morchella planting" and "planting method of rotation of Morchella and passion fruit" have won the national utility model patent certification, Industrial Science and technology R & D innovation is at the forefront of the country. In 2019, we will continue to devote ourselves to scientific and technological innovation, R & D, promotion and application, strengthen cooperation with scientific research institutes such as the research and Design Institute for processing and utilization of forest products of the Provincial Academy of Forestry Sciences, establish a Morchella science and technology research and innovation center, pay attention to research and innovation in the fields of strain breeding, planting and production, product refinement and edible health, accelerate the undertaking of scientific and technological transformation and comprehensively improve the added value of scientific and technological benefits, Increase new momentum of development.


                Third, optimize services and enhance sustainability. Based on the whole industry chain that has begun to take shape, focus on high-quality strain supply base, planting technology education and training base, e-commerce marketing and training base, and accelerate the all-round service development of Luojiang Morchella industry. In 2019, supporting land circulation, financial services and other supporting policies to benefit and strengthen agriculture, accelerating the application and establishment of "three products and one standard", standardizing brand packaging and evaluation indicators, building a stable network direct supply marketing system pattern, giving full play to the role of the "leader" of the industry with "Deyang Luojiang field university" and professional farmers’ school as the carrier, and organizing and carrying out 6 sessions of planting technology training There were 6 e-commerce marketing training sessions, cultivating 15 family farms and 40 new professional farmers, and driving 50 poor households out of poverty and become rich.

                PREVIOUSLook at the story of "entrepreneurial star" of College Students’ Entrepreneurship group
                NEXTWarmly congratulate the entrepreneurial project of our city on winning the third prize of the whole province


