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              1. <blockquote id='lNitfa'><q id='lNitfa'><noscript id='lNitfa'></noscript><dt id='lNitfa'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='lNitfa'><i id='lNitfa'></i>


                In 2018, more than 40 mu of processing and production plants were set up in Luoping Town, Luojiang District. And to solve the local labor force of more than 300 people, including 42 poor households, 2 disabled people, 73 entrepreneurs, the company headquarters moved to Luoping Town, the establishment of Morchella laboratory, inoculation room, culture room, fungus production workshop, material warehouse, expansion of freeze storage fresh-keeping warehouse, increase drying room, build a complete Morchella finishing production line and workshop. A scientific research team has been established, agricultural science and technology branch has been set up, the existing experience and technology and patents have been transformed into scientific and technological products, do modern wisdom agriculture, subvert all the current cultivation mode of morchella. As a pioneer of field cultivation technology service of Chinese Morchella and a global leader in processing all kinds of Morchella, we applied for 12 related technologies of Morchella industry. At present, there are hundreds of wholesale channels for dry goods, fresh goods and frozen goods in China. Next step is to establish its own branch of import and export trade and establish a perfect retail sales terminal. The company is the only supplier of fresh Morchella for social e-commerce such as "Beidan", "Dalingjia", "Meijia Youtuan", "LaiSanjin Mall", "Star Chain Friends Shop". At present, it is the largest supplier of fresh Morchella in China. In the new media, such as "tremble" platform to create personal IP "Morchella Goddess - Yifan" has achieved initial success, with more than 5 million views. The next step is to make good use of its own advantages and create "Fanzi" brand as a special agricultural product in Deyang, the first brand of new retail Morchella in the world.


                After several years of efforts, the company has been awarded "Deyang Agricultural Leading Enterprise", "Deyang Employment Poverty Alleviation Demonstration Base", "Deyang Love Honorary Unit", "Sichuan Excellent Venture Enterprise". Zhang Yifan was hired as young entrepreneurship mentor of Deyang League Committee in 2018.


                In 2018, more than 40 mu of processing and production plants were set up in Luoping Town, Luojiang District. And to solve the local labor force of more than 300 people, including 42 poor households, 2 disabled people, 73 entrepreneurs, the company headquarters moved to Luoping Town, the establishment of Morchella laboratory, inoculation room, culture room, fungus production workshop, material warehouse, expansion of freeze storage fresh-keeping warehouse, increase drying room, build a complete Morchella finishing production line and workshop. A scientific research team has been established, agricultural science and technology branch has been set up, the existing experience and technology and patents have been transformed into scientific and technological products, do modern wisdom agriculture, subvert all the current cultivation mode of morchella. As a pioneer of field cultivation technology service of Chinese Morchella and a global leader in processing all kinds of Morchella, we applied for 12 related technologies of Morchella industry. At present, there are hundreds of wholesale channels for dry goods, fresh goods and frozen goods in China. Next step is to establish its own branch of import and export trade and establish a perfect retail sales terminal. The company is the only supplier of fresh Morchella for social e-commerce such as "Beidan", "Dalingjia", "Meijia Youtuan", "LaiSanjin Mall", "Star Chain Friends Shop". At present, it is the largest supplier of fresh Morchella in China. In the new media, such as "tremble" platform to create personal IP "Morchella Goddess - Yifan" has achieved initial success, with more than 5 million views. The next step is to make good use of its own advantages and create "Fanzi" brand as a special agricultural product in Deyang, the first brand of new retail Morchella in the world.


                After several years of efforts, the company has been awarded "Deyang Agricultural Leading Enterprise", "Deyang Employment Poverty Alleviation Demonstration Base", "Deyang Love Honorary Unit", "Sichuan Excellent Venture Enterprise". Zhang Yifan was hired as young entrepreneurship mentor of Deyang League Committee in 2018.



