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                If 2016 is a year of progress, 2017 is a year of progress. In the second half of the year, we began to cooperate with Sichuan Academy of Forestry Sciences to combine our practical technology with the theoretical data of Sichuan Academy of Forestry Sciences. Because it takes a lot of time, energy and money to experiment every year, technology has become mature, and many people have begun to learn and learn from it. In 2017, 500 mu was planted in the experimental bases of different soil types in Luojiang District. We have also solved more than 120 local workers, including 10 poor households, 2 disabled people and 15 entrepreneurs. Rental and transformation of a Morchella processing plant, an area of about 1000 square meters, located in Jinshan Town.


                If 2016 is a year of progress, 2017 is a year of progress. In the second half of the year, we began to cooperate with Sichuan Academy of Forestry Sciences to combine our practical technology with the theoretical data of Sichuan Academy of Forestry Sciences. Because it takes a lot of time, energy and money to experiment every year, technology has become mature, and many people have begun to learn and learn from it. In 2017, 500 mu was planted in the experimental bases of different soil types in Luojiang District. We have also solved more than 120 local workers, including 10 poor households, 2 disabled people and 15 entrepreneurs. Rental and transformation of a Morchella processing plant, an area of about 1000 square meters, located in Jinshan Town.



