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                By the second half of 2016, Zhang Yifanyi had no hesitation to start planting more than 100 mu of Morchella in Jinshan Town, Luojiang District, Deyang City. On the basis of the technology summarized in the previous year, many experiments were carried out in different fields. At the end of this year, their children were born. Liu Ping worked harder at the base alone. Zhang Yifan only sat for a month, and then returned to work at the base. In 2017, these experimental and basic fields were successful. In order to raise the price of morchella, Liu Ping kept drying Morchella at night in March. Zhang Yifan has to go to Chengdu every night to get fresh mushrooms because he is still breastfeeding. Let the mother hold the baby and drive the van by herself, so that the baby can be fed whenever he is hungry. It lasted for more than a month. Every night, it was 2 or 3 o’clock in the morning when I returned to Jinshan Town. Fortunately, the average output value per mu reached nearly 30,000 yuan. Moreover, it has driven more than 50 people from the surrounding labor force, eight poor households, one disabled person and seven entrepreneurs. In this year, a set of planting patterns suitable for Sichuan plain and hilly areas were explored.


                By the second half of 2016, Zhang Yifanyi had no hesitation to start planting more than 100 mu of Morchella in Jinshan Town, Luojiang District, Deyang City. On the basis of the technology summarized in the previous year, many experiments were carried out in different fields. At the end of this year, their children were born. Liu Ping worked harder at the base alone. Zhang Yifan only sat for a month, and then returned to work at the base. In 2017, these experimental and basic fields were successful. In order to raise the price of morchella, Liu Ping kept drying Morchella at night in March. Zhang Yifan has to go to Chengdu every night to get fresh mushrooms because he is still breastfeeding. Let the mother hold the baby and drive the van by herself, so that the baby can be fed whenever he is hungry. It lasted for more than a month. Every night, it was 2 or 3 o’clock in the morning when I returned to Jinshan Town. Fortunately, the average output value per mu reached nearly 30,000 yuan. Moreover, it has driven more than 50 people from the surrounding labor force, eight poor households, one disabled person and seven entrepreneurs. In this year, a set of planting patterns suitable for Sichuan plain and hilly areas were explored.



