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                In 2015, when Premier Li Keqiang put forward the idea of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", the whole nation set off a wave of entrepreneurship. After one year’s understanding and observation of Morchella, Liu Ping started a second entrepreneurship - planting Morchella. That year, together with two friends in Jinshan Town, Luojiang District, they began to grow 40 mu of field and began to explore the cultivation technology of Morchella.


                A returning college student and a returning young entrepreneur met unexpectedly in this wave of entrepreneurship, and they met when they went to buy bacteria. In Luojiang District of Deyang City, the two people had a good feeling for each other in learning and communicating. They explored and experimented together. Later they got married. In this year, they did not know anything about it. The Morchella planted completely in the experiment did not lose money and explored some techniques.


                In 2015, when Premier Li Keqiang put forward the idea of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", the whole nation set off a wave of entrepreneurship. After one year’s understanding and observation of Morchella, Liu Ping started a second entrepreneurship - planting Morchella. That year, together with two friends in Jinshan Town, Luojiang District, they began to grow 40 mu of field and began to explore the cultivation technology of Morchella.


                A returning college student and a returning young entrepreneur met unexpectedly in this wave of entrepreneurship, and they met when they went to buy bacteria. In Luojiang District of Deyang City, the two people had a good feeling for each other in learning and communicating. They explored and experimented together. Later they got married. In this year, they did not know anything about it. The Morchella planted completely in the experiment did not lose money and explored some techniques.



