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                Our company cooperates

                Now we cooperate with the Provincial Academy of forestry and the Agricultural College of Southwest University of Science and Technology, especially the Provincial Academy of forestry. They enable Morchella to be planted artificially and stable in high yield. They have been engaged in the research of Morchella cultivation for decades, so they are quite mature in the field of Morchella cultivation and strain breeding.

                Our company cooperates

                Readings: 481

                Now we cooperate with the Provincial Academy of forestry and the Agricultural College of Southwest University of Science and Technology, especially the Provincial Academy of forestry. They enable Morchella to be planted artificially and stable in high yield. They have been engaged in the research of Morchella cultivation for decades, so they are quite mature in the field of Morchella cultivation and strain breeding.

                PREVIOUSMorchella treatment is the standard to test the scale of a Morchella processing enterprise
                NEXTMorchella Development and Company Planning


