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                The Key Problems of Morchella Cultivation

                (1) Selection of Morchella species
                (2) Mastering the time of planting Morchella and the time of putting nutrition bags
                (3) Soil quality selection of Morchella, sufficient water source, pollution-free and greenhouse design of Morchella
                (4) Field water management of Morchella esculenta and control of time point and quantity of mushroom water
                (5) Collection and management of Morchella
                (6) Cooperate with different varieties by selecting good Morchella species
                (7) The planting time and the growth state and time of Morchella esculenta should be adjusted according to the local climate conditions in different regions to arrange the planting time and mode in nutrient bags.
                (8) Choose fields with high organic matter content, abundant water sources and pollution-free water sources. The design of Morchella greenhouse needs to design the size, mode and height of the greenhouse according to the specific location.
                (9) Morchella is fond of shade and tide, so water management needs special attention. The time and amount of water irrigated by the transformation of Morchella state need special control.
                (10) When collecting Morchella, we should flexibly adjust the harvesting specifications of Morchella according to the climatic conditions and the growth period of Morchella, as well as the way to classify and treat Morchella.

                The Key Problems of Morchella Cultivation

                Readings: 433

                (1) Selection of Morchella species
                (2) Mastering the time of planting Morchella and the time of putting nutrition bags
                (3) Soil quality selection of Morchella, sufficient water source, pollution-free and greenhouse design of Morchella
                (4) Field water management of Morchella esculenta and control of time point and quantity of mushroom water
                (5) Collection and management of Morchella
                (6) Cooperate with different varieties by selecting good Morchella species
                (7) The planting time and the growth state and time of Morchella esculenta should be adjusted according to the local climate conditions in different regions to arrange the planting time and mode in nutrient bags.
                (8) Choose fields with high organic matter content, abundant water sources and pollution-free water sources. The design of Morchella greenhouse needs to design the size, mode and height of the greenhouse according to the specific location.
                (9) Morchella is fond of shade and tide, so water management needs special attention. The time and amount of water irrigated by the transformation of Morchella state need special control.
                (10) When collecting Morchella, we should flexibly adjust the harvesting specifications of Morchella according to the climatic conditions and the growth period of Morchella, as well as the way to classify and treat Morchella.

                PREVIOUSOur advantages over our peers
                NEXTMorchella treatment is the standard to test the scale of a Morchella processing enterprise


