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              1. <blockquote id='NLIZGr'><q id='NLIZGr'><noscript id='NLIZGr'></noscript><dt id='NLIZGr'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='NLIZGr'><i id='NLIZGr'></i>


                Our advantages over our peers

                (1) Our company has cooperated with the Provincial Academy of Forestry Sciences to do more in strain breeding and mushroom production experiments than the peers, and accumulated more technology and experience.
                (2) The company has deep-seated cooperative relations with major domestic and foreign dealers and foreign trade companies, and the annual order volume is far larger than the scale of development.
                (3) The company has long cultivated field management technology and trained a large number of field management personnel to effectively ensure stable output.
                (4) Our company is one of the two or three companies in the whole Morchella market, which can process and sell dried, fresh and frozen products at the same time. In addition, we can produce Morchella strains and grow them well. Meaning is that Jilin Agriculture can achieve the whole industry chain of Morchella, and the company behind is to do the whole ecological chain. In this respect, the company has applied for two patents, one for Morchella and the other for rice rotation. The company’s overall layout and development have reached the forefront of the industry, not along the traditional bacteria vendors are only doing bacteria sales and government subsidies.
                (5) The company’s team building in the production of strains, the cultivation of field management team of Morchella, the establishment of matching and processing management personnel in the processing of Morchella, and the improvement of marketing team and channels of Morchella have all achieved a preliminary embryonic form.
                (6) In the field of fungus rice rotation, the company has also done several years of experiments and established a preliminary business model and profit line.

                Our advantages over our peers

                Readings: 491

                (1) Our company has cooperated with the Provincial Academy of Forestry Sciences to do more in strain breeding and mushroom production experiments than the peers, and accumulated more technology and experience.
                (2) The company has deep-seated cooperative relations with major domestic and foreign dealers and foreign trade companies, and the annual order volume is far larger than the scale of development.
                (3) The company has long cultivated field management technology and trained a large number of field management personnel to effectively ensure stable output.
                (4) Our company is one of the two or three companies in the whole Morchella market, which can process and sell dried, fresh and frozen products at the same time. In addition, we can produce Morchella strains and grow them well. Meaning is that Jilin Agriculture can achieve the whole industry chain of Morchella, and the company behind is to do the whole ecological chain. In this respect, the company has applied for two patents, one for Morchella and the other for rice rotation. The company’s overall layout and development have reached the forefront of the industry, not along the traditional bacteria vendors are only doing bacteria sales and government subsidies.
                (5) The company’s team building in the production of strains, the cultivation of field management team of Morchella, the establishment of matching and processing management personnel in the processing of Morchella, and the improvement of marketing team and channels of Morchella have all achieved a preliminary embryonic form.
                (6) In the field of fungus rice rotation, the company has also done several years of experiments and established a preliminary business model and profit line.

                PREVIOUSMorchella can’t simply consider selling fresh, dried and frozen products
                NEXTThe Key Problems of Morchella Cultivation


