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                Morchella can’t simply consider selling fresh, dried and frozen products

                Morchella can not simply consider selling fresh products, dried products and frozen products. Because only consider a single way to sell, each mu will be several thousand yuan less income. For example, according to 300 kg per mu, fresh food per mu is between 10,000 yuan and 15,000 yuan; if dried, it will be between 12,000 yuan and 16,000 yuan per mu, and the cost of drying will be deducted. In this way, the advantages can not be reflected. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the combination of dried, fresh and frozen products for sale in order to maximize the average sale price of Morchella, through the combination of three ways of sales, the same 300 kg output can achieve output value of more than 20,000 yuan per mu.

                Morchella can’t simply consider selling fresh, dried and frozen products

                Readings: 474

                Morchella can not simply consider selling fresh products, dried products and frozen products. Because only consider a single way to sell, each mu will be several thousand yuan less income. For example, according to 300 kg per mu, fresh food per mu is between 10,000 yuan and 15,000 yuan; if dried, it will be between 12,000 yuan and 16,000 yuan per mu, and the cost of drying will be deducted. In this way, the advantages can not be reflected. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the combination of dried, fresh and frozen products for sale in order to maximize the average sale price of Morchella, through the combination of three ways of sales, the same 300 kg output can achieve output value of more than 20,000 yuan per mu.

                PREVIOUSMain factors affecting the quality of Morchella esculenta
                NEXTOur advantages over our peers


