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                The Yield of Agricultural Morchella in Shuji

                Now the company can produce more than 1200 kg per mu in the experimental fields of several bases. The strains sent out by the company are the lowest in Meishan City. They only produce 148 kg per mu, but a total of 1420 mu of Morchella strains produce more than 300 kg per mu.

                The Yield of Agricultural Morchella in Shuji

                Readings: 442

                Now the company can produce more than 1200 kg per mu in the experimental fields of several bases. The strains sent out by the company are the lowest in Meishan City. They only produce 148 kg per mu, but a total of 1420 mu of Morchella strains produce more than 300 kg per mu.

                PREVIOUSBasic Situation of Jilin Agriculture
                NEXTInvestigation on Low Yield of Agricultural Morchella


