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                Basic Situation of Jilin Agriculture

                From 2017 to 2018, the company has developed a total area of 1420 mu of Morchella, mainly concentrated in Deyang, followed by Meishan, Ziyan

                Investigation on Low Yield of Agricultural Morchella

                The main reason for the low yield of Meishan is that the contracted land does not take into account the serious water shortage in winter. It

                The Yield of Agricultural Morchella in Shuji

                Now the company can produce more than 1200 kg per mu in the experimental fields of several bases. The strains sent out by the company are th

                How to Ensure High Yield of Morchella

                (1) Morchella strain selection, the company and the Provincial Academy of Forestry Sciences are doing every year.(2) Formula of Morchella sp

                Main factors affecting the quality of Morchella esculenta

                (1) Selection of Morchella species(2) Mastering the time of planting Morchella and the time of putting nutrition bags(3) Soil quality select

                Morchella can’t simply consider selling fresh, dried and frozen products

                Morchella can not simply consider selling fresh products, dried products and frozen products. Because only consider a single way to sell, ea

                The Key Problems of Morchella Cultivation

                (1) Selection of Morchella species(2) Mastering the time of planting Morchella and the time of putting nutrition bags(3) Soil quality select

                Our advantages over our peers

                (1) Our company has cooperated with the Provincial Academy of Forestry Sciences to do more in strain breeding and mushroom production experi

                Morchella treatment is the standard to test the scale of a Morchella processing enterprise

                Morchella treatment is the standard to test the scale of a Morchella processing enterprise. Because Morchella is harvested seasonally (March

                Our company cooperates

                Now we cooperate with the Provincial Academy of forestry and the Agricultural College of Southwest University of Science and Technology, esp

                Morchella Development and Company Planning

                Morchella will develop vigorously in the next 5-10 years, mainly from the following four aspects:(1) Poverty alleviation by the government a



